Mit diesem Material kompatible Drucker:
SLA 750
Additive Fertigungslösung für Stereolithografie im Industriemaßstab
Starre Materialien mit hohem Kontrast, farboptimiert für PIV-Windkanaltests, um die Vorbereitungszeit zu verkürzen und die Leistung aerodynamischer Tests zu verbessern.
The workflow to produce wind tunnel parts in other currently available materials often requires a multi-step process to achieve a suitable finish required for wind tunnel testing. With its high contrast, the unique color of Accura Composite PIV provides the possibility to eliminate some of these steps and therefore compress the workflow for efficiency and throughput gains.
In addition the improved finish and the reflection mitigating properties of this SLA material lead to higher resolution PIV test results enabling better-informed decisions.
Discover our solutions for increasing wind tunnel test volumes, replicating finished part quality, and integrating innovative sensing solution.
Additive Fertigungslösung für Stereolithografie im Industriemaßstab
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