Benefits of Filament Extrusion

  • Open & Affordable Feedstocks

    Open market filament feedstocks promote reductions in filaments costs of up to 75%.

  • Faster Print Times

    The EXT Titan Pellet series' high throughput filament extruders enable 2X faster print speeds of up to 2 pounds per hour.

  • Engineering-Grade Materials

    Production end-use parts and functional prototypes are possible with engineering-grade filaments including ABS, PC+PBT, nylons, and more.​

Polymer Filament Feedstocks

  • Flexible
    PEBA (flexible nylon)
  • Standard
  • High Performance
    CF/GF PC
    CF/GF Nylons

Examples of Filament Extrusion Production Parts

  • Investment Casting Filament Material

    Investment Casting | Foundry

    • Material: PLA Filament
    • Material Partner: Push Plastic
    • Process: PLA burnout for investment casting
  • and artistic Coffee Table made from Filament materials

    Coffee Table | Furniture

    • Material: ABS Filament
    • Material Partner: Push Plastic
  • A Wheel made from Filament Material

    Sand Casting Pattern | Foundry

    • Material: PETG Filament
    • Material Partner: Push Plastic
  • Compatible Materials

    Have a specific material in mind or need a custom compound? We can help you with material integration, testing, and procurement, and leverage our strong partnerships with top global chemical companies to implement unique and custom compounded materials for your additive manufacturing application.

Mit diesem Material kompatible Drucker:

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