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For decades, manufacturing and design engineering leaders have anticipated the point at which additive manufacturing would be capable of delivering factory-ready plastic and metal components. With recent advances in design-to-part workflow productivity & advanced material chemistry performance, it’s now possible to strategize how to integrate additive manufacturing within the wider factory floor ecosystem.  At this year’s Formnext, 3D Systems reveals a host of new systems and solutions delivering accurate, repeatable and cost-effective production parts – in a range of groundbreaking photopolymers, thermoplastics and metal alloy materials for demanding applications in industries from aerospace and automotive to medical devices, service bureaus and academia. 

Meet the Expert

Shell HaffnerShell Haffner

Vice President of Product Management,
3D Systems


Shell Haffner has participated in bringing high-technology products to market for the past 30 years. Shell joined 3D Systems in 2018 holding various positions and now leads the Platform and Materials management team. Prior to 3D Systems, Shell was the Director of Product Management for Biamp, an audio-visual company located in Oregon. Shell began his career helping customers as a Consulting System Analyst for Tektronix in Chicago.

Shell graduated from the Illinois Institute of Technology with Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering.